Fictional Crushes
NOTE: This page has its own playlist in the music player.
Welcome to the chronology of all the fictional characters I've been attracted to in my life. This is the most embarrasing page of my site.
I am aware that many of these characters are awful people.
My awful taste in fictional characters does not carry over to the real world.
Childhood Crushes
These are characters I had crushes on when I was under the age of 13. I probably don't feel the same way about them now as I did back then...
> MySims
Brandi is a spooky townie introduced in the first MySims game. Her one defining character trait in that game is that she's a compulsive liar.
In later games, Brandi works for MorcuCorp, an evil corporation, where she's employed as one of Morcubus's lackies.
As a kid, I would pretend to go on dates with Brandi and would decorate her house with black roses as gifts.
Best Features
Awesome hair.
Emo aesthetic.
Stuck in a toxic yuri situationship with Esma.
> MySims
Brandi is a cute townie introduced in the first MySims game.
In MySims Agents, she's the fiance of the wealthy CEO of a water-bottle company. She is incredibly naive and head over heels with her fiance, who transparently doesn't like her that much. It's giving Harley Quinn and the Joker, if Harley Quinn was just slightly mean and dumb.
As a kid, I would pretend to go on dates with Beebee. I would spend more time in her house than my own.
Best Features
Zero braincells.
Hopeless Romantic.
> Teen Titans
Raven is one of the main superheroes in Teen Titans. She's got edgy magic powers because her dad's a demon or something (I missed most of the important plot-heavy episodes as a kid).
I really wanted to be goth when I was a kid but I wasn't alive, so I lived out that fantasy through characters like Raven. In another life, we're totally hot goth gfs.
Best Features
Her "eyebrows" are actually SECRET EYES
Moody voice.
Goth girl.
> Teen Titans
Robin is one of the main superheroes in Teen Titans. He was Batman's sidekick but now he's the leader of the Teen Titans.
Robin was my actual boyfriend when I was a kid. No evidence required.
Best Features
Emo in spirit.
Good leadership skills.
Howl Pendragon
> Howl's Moving Castle
Howl is a wizard who lives in a moving castle. Hence the name of the film/book he's from.
I first saw Howl's Moving Castle on a very questionable pirated DVD which had Howl's Moving Castle, Hoodwinked!, and Bratz: Genie Magic all on one disc.
I then spent the rest of my childhood assuming I had imagined the film because I couldn't remember the name or plot. But I sure remembered Howl! (and all of the terrifying imagery in that film)
The best part of Howl is how he appears very chivalrous and put-together at the start of the film, but then he's revealed to be an absolute mess in secret. We love a man who contains multitudes.
Best Features
Takes care of his appearance.
Secretly a whiny bastard man.
Completely self-obsessed.
Turns into a big freaky bird thing.
> The Lion King
So, I'm a furry.
'nuff said.
Best Features
Hot voice.
Amazing villain song.
The 10th Doctor
> Doctor Who
Doctor Who was one of my favourite shows as a child (and for most of my life, tbh). While I started watching with the 9th Doctor, the 10th Doctor was my absolute favourite.
For the uninitiated, the Doctor is a very old alien who travels throughout space and time with a human companion. He can "regenerate" into a new body, which is how the show has kept going for so long.
The 10th Doctor had all the edgy scenes and complexity of the 9th Doctor, but he was way more approachable and fun. The show also leaned into how hot David Tennant (his actor) was and had basically all of his companions crushing on him. Those plotlines kind of suck, but I definitely relate.
Best Features
His eyes!!
Looks great in glasses.
Wore a suit and converse (the height of fashion).
Can be your angle or your devil.
The Master (John Simm)
> Doctor Who
The Master is one of the main antagonists in Doctor Who, but he's troubled and β©Β°morally grey.β©Β°
He was the Doctor's childhood best friend, who was driven mad by complicated sci-fi bullshit so now he's evil and quirky.
Best Features
They put him in a red leather collar for fuck's sake.
Toxic yaoi with the Doctor.
I can fix him.
> Code Lyoko
William is introduced in Code Lyoko as one leg of a slightly tedious love triangle (between Ulrich and Yumi, two of the protagonists).
Ulrich is jealous of William because he's older and cooler and hotter and YEAH! Ulrich is right to be jealous!!
However, William only gets really good (for me) when he gets possessed by XANA (the main villain) and becomes one of the main villains of the show. They give him a big-ass buster sword and scary villain music. It fucks.
Best Features
Great taste in music. (opens in new tab)
Show gets infinitely better when he's introduced.
Possessed by a freaky evil computer program (two for the price of one!).
> Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
I just love weird megalomaniacs who do freaky tongue stuff.
Zant is a weird megalomaniac who does freaky tongue stuff. And he wears a cool helmet. And his eyes are pretty.
Best Features
Tongue stuff.
Cool outfit.
Toxic yaoi with Ganondorf.
Cloud Strife
> Final Fantasy
Cloud is the main character of Final Fantasy VII.
I'll be real, I have not played Final Fantasy VII. I have watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children far too many times, however, and it was almost entirely because of how cute Cloud is.
I also didn't know men could kiss other men until I discovered Cloud x Sephiroth yaoi, so I have Cloud to thank for that too.
Best Features
Wears dresses sometimes.
Playable in Smash Bros.
> Wreck-It-Ralph
Turbo is the main villain of Wreck-It-Ralph. For some reason, he had a very Onceler-esque fandom, but way smaller.
... I can't really explain why.
Best Features
... Gamer?
... Winning smile?
> Gorillaz
2D is one of the members of the virtual band Gorillaz.
The band has a lot of lore, and I don't really keep up with it super extensively. But I do think 2D is very very cute and I like hearing him sing.
Best Features
Cool hair.
Freaky eyes.
Teen Crushes
These crushes mostly come from my edgy Tumblr days.
I was in the Avengers fandom. I saw it twice in cinemas. And it was entirely because of Loki.
In fact, I'm fairly sure I went to see Avengers in cinema entirely because of I saw a Loki desktop wallpaper on DeviantArt and I thought he looked hot...
Anyway, Loki is a petulant alien/god who wants to enslave humanity. Perfect boyfriend material.
Best Features
Mommy issues.
Daddy issues.
Brother issues.
Canon bisexual.
I can fix him.
> Sherlock
Unfortunately, I was in the Sherlock fandom.
Best Features
One of the only canon queer people in a world of queerbaiting.
Quirky but evil.
Irish accent.
Big brown eyes.
Walter Sullivan
> Silent Hill 4: The Room
Did you know that the mediocre circumcision-based horror game Silent Hill 4: The Room had a very active scene of yaoi fangirls?
Did you know that I was one of them?
Well, there was, and I was there, and it was all SQUEE and *GLOMP* and cheap cosplay and (actually pretty good) fancomics.
Walter Sullivan is the ghost of a serial killer but he is really soft and nice when you get to know him.
Best Features
Loves his mother.
Great hair. Greasy.
Toxic yaoi with Henry.
> Street Fighter
I was way more of a Tekken player growing up, but Tekken girls have nothing on Street Fighter girls.
Cammy was my absolute fave, mostly because she was British and also because of her giant thighs.
Best Features
Loves cats.
Rarely wears pants.
Edgy, and very gay, backstory.
> Portal 2
This shouldn't be that suprising to anybody who knows me...
Yes, I did used to draw art of him as a blonde twink.
Best Features
Hates space as much as I do.
Zero braincells.
> The Lorax
If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you never will.
Best Features
Small business owner.
Emo hair.
Loves himself.
Albert Wesker
> Resident Evil
As a kid, I was a Silent Hill fan, and it was the law that if you liked Silent Hill, you couldn't also like Resident Evil. So, I hated Resident Evil.
But then, I played Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and I fell in love.
Wesker is a maybe-British, maybe-American megalomaniac zombie with fucking Matrix powers. He wears an all-leather outfit. He has kitty-cat eyes that glow.
Best Features
Really commits to his aesthetic.
Toxic yaoi with Chris.
> EverymanHYBRID
EverymanHYBRID was an online ARG about Slenderman, until it wasn't anymore.
A couple years in, EverymanHYBRID introduced a new villain called HABIT, who was a quirky demon who possessed people and made them murder people. He possessed the hottest member of the cast, Evan, and quickly racked up fangirls on
HABIT referred to his victims as "rabbits," which is why I started going by the name "Rabbit" online. If not for my love for HABIT, I would have a very different online identity...
Best Features
Emo hair.
Short king.
Loves to monologue.
Sometimes when he gets excited, his voice splits into two.
Long tongue.
> Street Fighter
Juri is Chun-Li, except fucked-up and evil.
She gets really quirky and silly with it and has a crazy eye that can glow (it has lore implications, but I don't really keep up with Street Fighter lore).
Unfortunately, she's into foot stuff and I am not.
Best Features
Crazy expressions.
Rides a motorbike.
Sans eye.
Adult Crushes
These crushes are fresh, organic and non-GMO. They're my rotten soldiers. My sweet-cheeses. My good-time bois.
Alex Wesker
> Resident Evil
Alex Wesker is great because she's basically the answer to the question "What if Albert Wesker was a hot woman."
She's also seemingly more devious and intelligent and charismatic than her brother. An absolute upgrade.
If only Capcom would put her in another game...
Best Features
Albert Wesker, but better.
Woman in STEM.
Great with kids.
> Peacemaker
He's just a little guy!
He's just a little guy with glasses and guns and no remorse!
And he's an absolute idiot!!
This is like the result of trying to make the perfect man for me in a lab.
Best Features
He's just a lil guy!!!
Zero braincells.
Stands against racism.
Homoerotic situationship with Peacemaker.
The Riddler
> The Batman (2022)
He's just a little guy!
He's just a little guy with glasses and guns and no remorse!
I fuckin- I don't even- I just love him so much. He's so greasy and pathetic. You know this man's a Redditor.
I wanna sit in his lap in his nasty apartment while he explains Minesweeper to me.
Best Features
Discord moderatorcore.
Loves Batman as much as I do.
Twitch streamer (just like me!)
Loves to scrapbook.
Emotionally vulnerable.
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
> Dune: Part Two
Basically, the only reason I got so passionate about Dune was seeing this man's bare tiddies in HD.
Feyd-Rautha is the beloved Na-Baron of House Harkonnen, and beloved is correct! He sort of has rockstar energy, except instead of doing concerts, he murders people in the arena.
If I was in the Dune universe, I'd have Feyd-Rautha posters all over my bedroom.
Best Features
"Sexually vulnerable."
Has three hot
weed-smoking cannibalistic girlfriends.
Knife pervert.