Favourite Ships
NOTE: This page has its own playlist in the music player.
The act of supporting two characters in a (usually romantic or sexual) relationship, typically with little regard to canon, sense, or reason.
"The newest Naruto Shippuden episode has me shipping Sasusuke and Naruto even more than I used to (*≧ω≦*) squeeeee"
Sorry, this page is not a collection of boats I enjoy. I get seasick...
Unlike my fictional crushes page, this is not a full chronology of ships I support. If we did that, this page would rival the Bible in length.
So instead, this is a collection of my favourite ships, in no particular order. These are ships I routinely think about and seek out fan creations of. Back in the day, we would have called these an "OTP" (One True Pairing), but I have more than one so...
I've also avoided putting explicit canon ships on here, because I find them less interesting to talk about.
I am aware that most of these ships are dysfunctional.
My awful taste in fictional relationships does not carry over to the real world. And if they didn't want me to ship the good guy and the villain, they shouldn't have made them both so hot.

Feyd-Rautha x Paul
> Dune
The best way I can think to explain Dune is to call it "Game of Thrones in space," which is incredibly reductive but gets the idea across.
Paul and Feyd are the heirs of their respective noble houses, House Atreides and House Harkonnen, who have been feuding for ten thousand years. A plan was concocted by the Bene Gesserit (a sisterhood of eugenecist nuns) to (supposedly) end this feud by marrying a female Atreides child to Feyd-Rautha, but Paul was born male so that plan was ruined.
But I'm not gonna let a little thing like Paul's gender stop me!
...or the fact that they're technically cousins.
Why I Ship It
This ship truly has the potential for anything.
The power dynamic is so complex that you can really play up any angle. On one hand, Paul is the underdog. He's younger, physically smaller and more "innocent" than Feyd (or so it seems at first). On the other hand, he also has mind-altering psychic powers and the ability to see the future. He's also an absolute bastard. Depending on which part of the story you slot your story into, you can have whichever vibe you want.
Obviously there's the mpreg element. I don't like mpreg because pregnancy terrifies me, but Paul and Feyd were supposed to have a child together according to the Bene Gesserit, so it fits. Omegaverse tropes also fit neatly into the Duniverse because it's already so gender-essentialist.
And if you're the type who likes fluff, you could totally play up a star-crossed lovers/Romeo and Juliet vibe. I personally prefer them being awful bastards together, but you can make it cute if you want.

Kiryu x Majima
> Yakuza
Kiryu and Majima are both members of the Tojo Clan, a major yakuza group operating out of Tokyo. Well, technically Kiryu spends most of his time being an ex-member of the Tojo clan. Majima also leaves the clan for a little bit too, I think.
Kiryu and Majima have a fierce rivalry, mostly intensified by Majima's unhinged, obsessive behaviour. It's the kind of bromance where you beat each other up in alleyways for fun.
Why I Ship It
This one is borderline canon. The biggest supporter of this ship is Majima himself, who constantly flirts with Kiryu throughout the series.
There's a whole section in Yakuza: Kiwami where Majima dresses up as a hostess at a host club and the game pivots into a dating sim with Majima's drag persona. It's wonderful.
I think the best part of this ship is that their personalities are totally different. Majima is larger than life, absolutely buckwild, and prone to violent outbursts, while Kiryu is reserved and stoic.

Tom x Greg
> Succession
Succession is a TV show revolving around the wealthy Roy family, who own a media empire. The main question of the show is who will inherit the company once Logan Roy, the current CEO, dies.
Tom Wambsgans married into the family through Shiv Roy, the daughter of Logan. Their marriage is an absolute disaster, with Shiv constantly cheating on him, and Tom partially only marrying her for power and money.
Greg is the cringefail pathetic cousin of the family who gets taken under Tom's wing at the start of the show. He then spends the rest of the show devolving into wealth monster and failing upwards.
Why I Ship It
This is another borderline canon one, but in a crack way. Tomgreg became so popular in the Succession fandom that more hints towards it got woven into the show the further it went on, to comedic effect.
Their dynamic is so bizarre in the show, I almost don't even know how to explain it. They both cling to eachother in an almost co-dependant way, with Greg relying on Tom to keep him secure in the company and Logan's good graces, while Tom clings to Greg as an outlet for his frustrations at Shiv and as one of the few people that actually respects him.

Albert Wesker x Chris Redfield
> Resident Evil
Chris Redfield is arguably the protagonist of the entire Resident Evil franchise, and Albert Wesker is arguably the central villain.
They were both introduced in Resident Evil 1 as members of the STARS taskforce, a sort of SWAT thing, where Wesker is Chris' boss. However, it turns out that Wesker secretly works for Umbrella Corporation, pumping out zombies, and he kills almost all of Chris' friends.
Long story short, Wesker quits his job at Umbrella and becomes a freelance zombie. Chris is forced to quit his job at STARS and becomes a full-time zombie hunter.
Why I Ship It
This is a ship that I don't ship as intently now as I once did, but it was one of the first ships I ever shipped, so it deserves a spot here.
It's just so messy. It's an awful idea for everybody involved and that's what makes it compelling. I love the elements of betrayel the most. Chris and Wesker have such a rich history to draw from, with Chris really idolising Wesker during his STARS days.
An underrated AU for this pairing is evil!Chris. It's something that Capcom loves to hint at in trailers, and then not follow through with, which is fine tbh. I like Chris as a good guy in the games proper. But for the sake of this ship, evil!Chris is wonderful. I still think they should hate eachother though.

Alex Wesker x Claire Redfield
> Resident Evil
Alex Wesker is the secret sister of Albert Wesker. Like her brother, she's cruel and intelligent and loves bioterrorism.
Claire Redfield is the sister of Chris Redfield. Like her brother, she's brash and confident and hates bioterrorism.
The only game they share together is Resident Evil: Revelations 2, wherein Alex kidnaps Claire and holds her on a zombie-infested island.
Why I Ship It
It's Chris x Albert except yuri and with more medical experimentation.
Literally just a straight-up improvement.
The dynamic is slightly different. Alex is way more manipulative than her brother. She has an initially kinder demeanor that she uses to lure people into a false sense of security.
Her and Claire don't have the same complex backstory as Chris and Albert, but they do sort of inherit their siblings' baggage. Claire's brother killed Alex's brother, so there's some drama there.

The Batman x The Riddler
> The Batman (2022)
Spoiler Warning!
This section contains spoilers for The Batman in regards to the Riddler's motives.
If you haven't seen The Batman, I recommend going in as blind as possible.
I'm assuming you know who these two are. It's the Batman and the Riddler, but this time they're emo.
Why I Ship It
The Riddler in this film is canonically obsessed with the Batman in a way that is very romantic-coded. He sends most of his riddles in Valentines cards, and seemed to fully expect to run off into the sunset with Batman.
My favourite fanfics of these two involve Batman playing along with the Riddler's obsession with him and exploits it for information.
I do kind of need it to be mostly one-sided to be interesting to me. Sorry, Ed. I don't like fics where Edward knows Batman's true identity. If he knew Batman was Bruce Wayne, he'd probably kill himself.

Billy x Stu
> Scream
Spoiler Warning!
Scream is a murder-mystery slasher franchise, so any in-depth discussion of characters is going to give away parts of the mystery.
I really recommend you watch Scream blind. Please. It's really good.
Billy and Stu are two high-school besties who suddenly become murder suspects after their classmate is murdered by somebody in a Ghostface Halloween costume.
It turns out that the suspicion is well-founded because they literally are the ones that did it. Billy is driven to get revenge on his girlfriend Sidney after her mother slept with his father and drove his parents apart. Stu is driven to murder because he loves horror films and thinks it would be fun.
Why I Ship It
Billy and Stu are incredibly queer-coded. They're often very physical with eachother, especially Stu, and later films have characters make homophobic jabs about the pair.
Their dynamic is absolutely wonderful at the end of the film, mostly owing to Matthew Lillard's amazing performance. I love the different ways they both approach murder and bicker back and forth with eachother.
For bonus points, you can also throw Randy into the mix.